DUF 2025 - Danzantes Unidos®
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DUF 2025

Danzantes Unidos Festival (DUF) 2025
“Fortaleza y Resiliencia”

Danzantes Unidos commemorates 46 years of producing the Danzantes Unidos Festival (DUF) and convening the largest gathering of folklorico artists in the country to celebrate the artistry, history and traditions of the Mexican folk dance community.

  • DUF 2025 will offer 50+ congruent workshops in dance, music and related arts at McLane High School, 2727 North Cedar Avenue in Fresno, CA.
  • DUF 2025 dates are April 11, 12 & 13.  Please save the dates!


Festival Participants

DUF 2024

Official Statement from the Danzantes Unidos
Board of Directors

The Danzantes Unidos Board of Directors is committed to ensuring a safe and welcoming environment for all participants in this year’s event. In accordance with Fresno Unified School District protocols, we want to reassure everyone that ICE will not be allowed on the premises without a warrant.

Additionally, we will provide resources and information on knowing your rights to help participants feel informed and secure. While we acknowledge that we cannot make guarantees due to the current administration, we are dedicated to doing everything in our power to protect the safety and dignity of all festival-goers.

Our mission is to create an unforgettable weekend that honors who we are, where we come from, and where we are going. We look forward to celebrating our community, culture, and resilience together.

The Danzantes Unidos Board of Directors

Comunicado Oficial de la Junta Directiva
de Danzantes Unidos

La Junta Directiva de Danzantes Unidos está comprometida a garantizar un ambiente seguro y acogedor para todos los participantes en el evento de este año. De acuerdo con los protocolos del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Fresno, queremos asegurarles a todos que no se permitirá que ICE ingrese a las instalaciones sin una orden judicial.

Además, proporcionaremos recursos e información sobre cómo conocer sus derechos para ayudar a los participantes a sentirse informados y seguros. Si bien reconocemos que no podemos ofrecer garantías debido a la administración actual, estamos dedicados a hacer todo lo que esté a nuestro alcance para proteger la seguridad y la dignidad de todos los asistentes al festival.

Nuestra misión es crear un fin de semana inolvidable que honre quiénes somos, de dónde venimos y hacia dónde vamos. Esperamos celebrar juntos nuestra comunidad, cultura y resiliencia.

La Junta Directiva de Danzantes Unidos

What to expect at DUF 2025 “Fortaleza y Resiliencia

  • DUF Workshops: Participate in one of DUF’s folklorico workshops, which focus on educating its participants on the history, dances and music of Mexico. DUF Workshops are designed for dancers of all ages and skill levels.
  • DUF Showcase Concert Series: Enjoy specially prepared choreographies by over 800 performers from over 40 participating folklorico companies from across the country during DUF’s three-day concert series.
  • DUF Parent Pavilion: Explore the intersection of art and culture at DUF’s free or low cost arts workshops. Designed to serve the needs of the folklorico community, family members and chaperones of registered folklorico groups are encouraged to attend a workshop at DUF Parent Pavilion, which may include DUF Tintamarresque Gallery, Folklorico Hair & Make-up, Educational workshops and more.
  • DUF Mega-Mercado: Shop for cultural accessories, jewelry, practice skirts, costumes, dance shoes, and folklorico dance attire from dozens of vendors.
  • DUF Ofrenda: Remember and celebrate the lives of family members, friends and the folklorico community. The DUF community is invited to pay homage to those who have passed by placing their loved ones’ photographs at the altars.

  • DUF Socials: Make memories at DUF’s Friday Fandango, University Folklorico Summit (UFS) Meet & Greet and ¡PACHANGA! These evening and lunchtime socials are a great way to meet other members of the folklorico community.
  • Hosted Friday evening. DUF Fandango features live music and provides dancers an opportunity to engage in improvisational zapateado Veracruzano.
  • Hosted Saturday during lunch.  University Folklorico Dancers Unite! UFS Meet & Greet is a luncheon, by reservation, for leaders of collegiate folklorico groups to network and plant the seed for the Fall Summit.
  • PACHANGA! – the ULTImate dance party that should not be missed! Held on Saturday evening, venue TBA. Tickets for this family-friendly event must be purchased separately. Ages 60+ FREE (must show canas)

Showcase Concerts

DUF Showcase Concert Series

DUF Ready groups registering at least 12 participants will receive an invitation to apply for the DUF Showcase Concert Series during the Early Registration period. Applications for remaining positions will open on January 25, 2025. This series is offered to highlight the work of dancers participating in workshops. Three quarters of showcase performers must be workshop registrants.

  • DUF Showcase Concert I:   Friday, April 11 – 6 PM
  • DUF Showcase Concert II:  Saturday, April 12 – 6 PM
  • DUF Showcase Concert III: Sunday, April 13 – 4pm

DUF 2025 Pricing

Participant number will be limited to 1500

  • Early Registration

  • $140.00December 24 to January 24
  • (gift shirt & access to $10 Showcase Bundle)

  • Not Available
  • Regular Registration

  • $155.00January 25 to March 10
  • (gift shirt & access to $10 Showcase Bundle)

  • Not Available
Best price
  • Late Registration

  • $170.00March 11 to March 26
  • (no gift shirt, no access to bundle)

  • Register Now
  • Onsite Registration

  • $185.00Space Permitting
  • (no gift shirt, no access to bundle)

  • Not Available

The Showcase Concerts Bundle for $10 for workshop participants is ONLY available at the time of enrollment.
Please don’t miss checking the box with flames coming out of it. This unique offer ends on February 28, 2025.

Showcase Bundle

$10.00 online until March 10, 2025 for Workshop Enrollees and ONLY at the exact time of enrollment. We do not have the bandwidth to add this at a later time.

$50.00 online until March 10, 2025 for Chaperones and Non-workshop friends & family.

The Showcase Bundle includes one ticket for every night of the DUF Showcase Concert series and is perfect for chaperones who are accompanying minors at the theater. Each ticket is limited to one person per show. Tickets will be available online for individual nights ($30/each) of the Showcase Concert series on March 11, 2025.

Pachanga Tickets

$25.00 online until March 28, 2025. $30.00 onsite DUF Saturday.
$35.00 at the door.

Festival Syllabus

$75.00 three-volume “La Danza y el Traje en Mexico”
by Dr. Maria Guadalupe Castro Paramo. (Onsite pick up ONLY at Festival Sales).

DUF Policies

We are aware that historically, dance workshops have filled up rather quickly. We have the capacity to increase the number of classrooms if needed. In order for us to remain solvent, each class must have a MINIMUM of 15 students to be actualized.

Festival size will be limited to 1500 participants. Onsite Registration will be limited to remaining space available. Minors, ages 17 and under, must submit an online waiver/release signed by their parent or guardian and naming the chaperone responsible for their student. For University, College and High School groups, the deadline to submit a Purchase Order is January 24, 2025. For details and full list, please visit our DUF Policies page.

Learn More