Your DUF Experience - Danzantes Unidos®
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Your DUF Experience

(Before, During and After)

Planning Your Trip

You made the decision to attend DUF this year.  Now what? It is time to plan your folklorico filled weekend by choosing your hotel, determining your form of transportation to the event and maybe fundraise to help cover the cost of the trip.  What travel-related websites do you use to plan your trip? Email your trip planning tips to, and your group will be featured here.


Many folklorico groups across the United States successfully fundraise the funds needed to attend Danzantes Unidos Festival.  From car washes, bake sales, luncheons and paid performances, folklorico groups have worked hard to pay for a portion of their registration, hotel and food costs. What has your group done to fundraise for DUF? Send your fundraising ideas and your group will be featured here.

DUF Follow-up

Your folklorico group just experienced a fun and memorable weekend at Danzantes Unidos Festival.  How do you stay connected with the folklorico community after DUF? How do your students reflect on their DUF experience? Share your ideas with