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Cultivating a Ground Para Zapatear: Collegiate folkloristas gather to network and strategize for their communities

Article written by Rosa Angelica Castañeda Photographs taken by Richard Magaña and Rosa Angelica Castañeda In mid-February, collegiate folkloristas set their shoes aside as they connected through an educational and insightful conference. “It is really interesting to see, not just the challenges that we all face, despite how different we are; it is interesting how we can come together,” Jazmin Rodriguez stated, an undergraduate student at UC Irvine. “Now we have connections, and we’ve...

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DUF 2014 Master Classes

DUF 2014 is pleased to announce that as a special THANK YOU to group directors, we are offering THREE (3) bonus Master Classes on Friday, April 11 from noon to 3pm. This bonus and complimentary class is offered to Directors & Assistant Directors of ‘REGISTERED’ groups as a THANK YOU from us for registering your group. Registration for any of these classes is by RSVP ONLY to DUF.VIP@gmail.com Miguel Ponce Houston, TX Tamaulipas Jose Tena Las Cruces,...

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Chicano Power: Folklorico Collective Leadership

We are raised to aspire to be leaders, not followers, and are frequently exposed to leaders and their exemplary lives and movements. However, what qualities do we identify to emulate? How do we identify them? Do leaders lead away from, towards, or in consideration of? What movement or mass of people are leaders leading? Do leaders create their own path or retrace ancestral ways of truth? As folkloristas, we inherit a vast collection...

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UFS 2014 T-shirt Preview

Hello Folklóristas! We cannot wait to meet you at UFS 2014 in a couple of weeks.  We are really excited to show you the exclusive UFS 2014 t-shirt our friends at Mii Camisa designed for the participants to wear. As you can see, the folklórico dancers in the design are wearing a graduation cap and carrying a diploma to symbolize the importance of education.  By placing the UFS 2014 theme, "Resurrecting the Roots, Empowering our...

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The Story of Amalia Hernández

      “A México with bundle of tassels. And engraved silver A México with ears of corn, brown-skinned people. A México, of fairs, of candy skulls. Tame, quiet, wild, incongruous, strident, lighthearted. The México of ancient ruins, churches made of gold and shadows. And gardens of bougainvillea and tropical flowers. The México from yesterday and today, of beautiful songs and dances, born from ruins created between the black braids of the natives, screams, weeping, silence, songs. Pure expression of our...

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How to Share your Folklorico Story via Social Media

.. According to Pew Research, 54 percent of adult internet users post photos and videos they have created themselves and 47 percent of adult internet users share photos and videos they have found on the internet (2013).  Folklórico dancers have endless opportunities to share their story with photos and videos.   From practices, performances, selfies, and paparazzi shots, the photos and videos provide folklórico social media administrators a chance to engage and interact with...

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