Danzantes Unidos Festival DUF 2018 “Cultura Sin Fronteras” will take place on March 23, 24 & 25 in Fresno, CA and honors the ongoing work of folklorico artists sharing culture and traditions across the United States and in Mexico. Registration is OPEN at www.danzantes.org . Early Registration ends January 14, 2018.
Born and raised in Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico, Maestra Guadalupe Castro Paramo began dancing classic ballet at the age nine. At the age of 15, she began dancing Folklorico under the direction of Juan Antonio González Soria.
Deeply invested in the practice of Folklórico, Maestra Guadalupe also attended the Instituto Michoacano de Arte Popular, also under Maestro Juan Antonio’s direction where she continued her studies and practice. She graduated from Academia de la Danza Mexicana in 1977, as Director, and subsequently attended the School of Dance of the Ballet Folklórico de México between 1978 and 1981.
Her passion, dedication and discipline in the field, later led her to pursue a career in Anthropology. She received her PhD in Anthropology from the University of California, Los Angeles.
In 2012, she retired and moved to her hometown in Morelia, Michoacán, where she now teaches two adult groups. Her undying intrigue in learning more also led her to enhance her knowledge in Fandango. She has attended advanced workshops in the type of dance, learning under the direction of Gerardo Reyes, in Veracruz, Veracruz, Anahi Socco, in Xalapa, Veracruz, Leobardo Luna Ramìrez in Tlacotalpan, Veracruz, and Ernesto Luna Ramírez in Tlacotalpan, Ver., and in Morelia, Mich.
Maestra Castro Paramo joined the DUF familia in the late 90’s and has been teaching ever since. In her immense and invaluable contribution, she wrote three volumes of short monographs specifically directed to teachers of Mexican Folk Dance in the US.
Her books, “La Danza y el Traje en Mexico” Volumes I, II and III, published in English, are bound in one volume and available in the DUF Tienda by pre-order, only. A well respected member in the Folklorico community, and a treasure for Danzantes Unidos, Maestra Guadalupe Castro Paramo was the inspiration and first-ever recipient of the Danzantes Unidos Lifetime Achievement Award.
This is a Mexican Folk Dance Workshop for senior dancers regardless of present technical level.
There is a great difference between the populations that conform folk dance groups of young people and those of the senior dancers that are beginning to spring up in many communities. The needs and expectations are radically different. For the senior dancers the time for rehearsals and performances is more limited. Physical and mental abilities are somewhat diminished, although life experience greatly compensates the deficiencies in certain areas of this art form. Finally, senior dancers are faced with issues that include family, work, economy, and health, that younger dancers do not have to consider.
On the other hand, the benefits for the dancer are many and varied; beginning with the most obvious: exercise in a fun way, and with an objective that goes beyond the sole lose of weight—the public performance. Other benefits include: to raise self image, create a new social network based in a common interest in this art form; and in general stimulate brain functions.
The format of a group of senior dancers creates, and reinforces the very reason for its existence. In other words, a folk dance group of seniors is as viable as that of youngsters, both in terms of the point of view of the dancer, as that of the viewer who enjoys the performance, but emphasizing dignity and elegance vs. explosive energy.
The love for the activity is clearly the same among the two different groups.
These factors, then, determine the particular selection of the repertory, the rehearsals and the performance. Therefore, this workshop with begin with a brief discussion of the philosophy, organization and choices that will form the base, and will enhance the participation of the members in a group of this type.
To summarize, the workshop will cover two areas: 1) A repertory specially selected for this group, and 2) Discussion of the reasons why to form and group of this type in one’s own community, and how to organize it’s functions.
Usually the repertory for this workshop is selected a priori, but in this case there will be 3 different options:
1. Michoacan
a. Jarabe Michoacano
b. Dime Morenita Mia
c. Juan Colorado
2. Nacional
a. Aires Yucatecos (Yucatan)
b. Huerfanito (Tamaulipas)
c. Lloron (Chiapas)
3. A combination selected by the participants.
With so many retired dancers, all communities should have one such a group.
The love for the activity does not die with age.
Taller de danza folklorica para adultos mayores con previa experiencia, sin importar su nivel presente.
Hay una gran diferencia entre las poblaciones que componen los grupos folkloricos juveniles y los de grupos de adultos mayores que han ido surgiendo últimamente. Las necesidades y expectaciones difieren radicalmente. Para los adultos, el tiempo disponible para ensayos y actuaciones es mas limitado. Las habilidades físicas y mentales se ven disminuidas, aunque la experiencia de vida compensa grandemente en ciertas áreas de este arte. Finalmente, los adultos mayores encaran obligaciones de familia, de trabajo, económicas, y de salud, que los jóvenes no tienen que considerar.
Los beneficios para los integrantes son muchos y muy variados, empezando por lo mas obvio: hacer ejercicio de forma agradable y con un objetivo mas alla de solo perder peso—la actuación en publico. Otro beneficios incluyen: el levantar la autoestima, crear una nueva red social con un interés común, y en general, estimular las funciones cerebrales.
El formato de un grupo de adultos mayores, crea—y refuerza la razón de su existencia. Esto es, un grupo folklorico de adultos mayores es tan factible como uno de jóvenes, tanto desde el punto bailarin, como del publico que lo disfruta, pero enfatizando dignidad y elegancia vs energía desbordada.
El entusiasmo por la actividad es claramente igual entre los dos tipos de grupos.
Estos factores, entonces, determinan la selección del repertorio, de los ensayos, y de las actuaciones. Por lo tanto, este taller dara comienzo con una discusión de la filosofía, organización y selecciones que optimizaran la participación de los integrantes en un grupo de este tipo.
En síntesis: El taller cubrirá dos áreas, 1) Repertorio seleccionado especialmente para este grupo, y 2) Discusion de planeación para la formación de grupos similares en sus propias comunidades.
Usualmente el repertorio a trabajar se selecciona a priori, pero en esta ocasión hay tres opciones y el grupo podrá decidir el contenido especifico.
Repertorio 1. Michoacan.
a. Jarabe Michoacano
b. Dime Morenita Mia
c. Juan Colorado
Repertorio 2. Nacional.
a. Aires Yucatecos (Yucatan)
b. Huerfanito (Tamaulipas)
c. Lloron (Chiapas)
Repertorio 3. Combinacion seleccionada por los participantes.
Con tanto bailarin retirado de la actividad,
todas las comunidades deberían tener un grupo de este tipo,
ya que el amor por esta actividad no muere.
DUF 2018 will take place on March 23-25 in Fresno, CA.
$ave on registration fees by enrolling early!
Early Registration December 15, 2017 to January 14 – $80
Regular Registration January 15 to February 12 – $90
Late Registration February 13 to March 14 – $100
Space-permitting . . . Onsite Registration – $120
#DanzantesUnidos #DUF2018 #CulturaSinFronteras
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