DUF 2020 Let’s Get DUF’ing!!
Good afternoon DUF’ers it’s DUF Friday!! . . . and between sobs and wails, here we are STILL. We hope that you are all staying safe and at home. That said–Let the festivities begin!
DUF 2020 Registrants received an update last Tuesday, detailing Danzantes Unidos’ #BeTheLight Campaign. The purpose of the campaign is to foster a forum for celebration and togetherness throughout this isolation. If you are a DUF 2020 Registrant and are not receiving updates to your personal mailbox (because someone other than you signed you up), we’d love to hear from you. Please write to Registration@danzantes.org with your full name, group name and enrollment number to receive updates as we roll them out this weekend.
#DUF2020 #DanzantesUnidos #BeTheLight begins with YOU! We are counting on you to share your light, your passion, your FIRE with the Folklorico Community. Please include the hashtags #DUF2020 #DanzantesUnidos #BeTheLight when you are posting so that we can all enjoy!
Today, and at this hour, there would be a queue of folks outside of the theater waiting to check in to pick up registration packets. Inside, our DUF Registration Team would already have spent the previous weeknights convening to sort out your amazing badges, T-shirts, souvenir program and preparing your DUF Swag Bags. They would be all lined up and ready.
At the Stage Door, our DUF Showcase Team would be ready to welcome the Friday night performers. Inside the theater, they would have already put signage on your special reserved seats.
Your DUF Maestros would already have been through with Maestro Orientation and early dinner and a great many of them would also be at the door to welcome you.
Once inside the theater, you would all be looking across the aisles to see which of your old friends have already arrived and you’d be excited thinking about the new life-long friends that you will make.
How fortunate we are that all these things will still come to pass. Thank you for hanging in there as we secure new dates for DUF 2020. At the moment, we are shooting for October, but you never know . . . the miracle could be sooner. Stay tuned and stay healthy. We look forward to welcoming you to DUF 2020.
Until then, we ask that you please post your favorite memories of DUF, any DUF of past years and include the hashtags–#DUF2020 #DanzantesUnidos #BeTheLight
Following are some ideas of past campaigns:
#MyDUFtshirt – share a photo of yourself with your favorite DUF t-shirt
#MyDUFMaestro – shoutout to our faculty
#DUFpachanga – no explanation necessary
#MyFirstDUF – let’s see those baby pictures!
#FolkloricoLoco – just go for it
Tomorrow morning our DUF 2020 Production Team will be meeting for a ‘Cafecito’ and we will be looking for your posts. Please get busy as we will also have a few surprises for you!
Mil gracias,
Maria Luisa Colmenarez
Executive Director, Danzantes Unidos
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