Danzantes Unidos Film Media Gallery
As we explore a permanent space on our new website for this genre, we will create a temporary space here to stage this growing media gallery of Danzantes Unidos film throughout the years. Enjoy!
DUF 2019 – 40th Anniversary!
Every Palm Sunday Weekend, since 1979, the Danzantes Unidos Festival has brought together the largest (on either side of the border) gathering of Mexican Folk Dancers in a united celebration. The event features dance & music workshops, four Showcase Concerts, evening social events for families (Fandango & Pachanga) seminars in costuming, folk art, stagecrafts, history, media, nonprofit management; as well as, the DUF Mega-Mercado, visual art displays, and a forum for artists to network with dancers from throughout the United States and Mexico. Danzantes Unidos is THE cultural network of Mexican folk dancers and artists which promotes and supports the Mexican Folk experience through the performing and visual arts. Year-round programming includes: Folklorico-On-Wheels, the University Folklorico Summit, Directors Dialogue and nascent projects Festival Sin Fronteras & the Educators Conference. A film by The Border Stompers Collective: Edgar Ontiveros, Jessica Yazmin Herrera & Jasmin Avila.
Click here: DUF “Celebrando Nuestra Raices a Travez del Baile by The Border Stompers Collective
Danzantes Unidos is the largest celebration of Folklorico dancers in the world. The festival returns to Los Angeles in 2016! Here is but a small sample of three days of amazing events, culture and lots of dancing from DUF 2013. Please visit: www.danzantes.org This video was shot by Antonio Sarabia and edited by Sacramento High School senior Victor Gutierrez. #DUF2LA #DanzantesUnidos
Click here: DUF 2013 Video by Antonio Sarabia & Victor Gutierrez
DUF Highlights Video filmed and edited by Rosalie DeVerona Footage shot at DUF 2005 in Gardena, CA. Featuring interviews from the DUF Peanut Gallery, Festival Artist, Lalo Garcia and Maestra Dr. Guadalupe Castro Paramo.
Click here: DUF 2005 Video by Rosalie DeVerona
DUF 2016 returns to Los Angeles, CA March 18-20. Venues will include locations throughout East Los Angeles. Online registration will open in December 2015. Production credits: Antonio Sarabia, Rosa Angelica Castañeda, Richard Magaña. El Son de La Negra interpreted by Mariachi UCLAtlan. Dancers appearing courtesy of their Los Angeles based dance companies.
Click here: DUF 2016 Returns to Los Angeles!
Danzantes Unidos is the cultural network of Mexican folk dancers and artists. Our organization promotes and supports the Mexican Folk experience through the performing and visual arts, including, but not limited to, the annual three-day festival known as the Danzantes Unidos Festival. Here is a fun and endearing film shot by Jose Anaya and featuring the amazing Tony Mejia interviewing the fabulous Rafael Valpuesta.
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