Danzantes Unidos Festival DUF 2023 “BAILAR ES VIVIR” will take place on March 31, April 1 & 2 in Fresno, CA and honors the ongoing work of folklorico artists sharing culture and traditions across the United States and in Mexico. Registration is OPEN at www.danzantes.org . Early Registration ends Tuesday, December 27, 2022.
Maestra Mayra Selene Sosa has been teaching for over 25 years. Her passion for and foundation of Mexican folklore dance began at a very young age in her native city of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. She has been a member of Folklorico Mi Tierra, Danza Teocatl and she is the founder/director of No Te Rajes Jalisco Folklorico Group.
Her commitment to and discipline in this art form has taken her as a performer throughout the United States and internationally to Japan and Mexico. Locally, she has presented in the Disney Concert Hall, the Hollywood Bowl and the Nokia Theater. Maestra Sosa travels to Mexico every year to find new material for her students, source costumes and recruit Maestros for her studio. She has been a member of the DUF Faculty for the past six years.
Her goal is to keep Mexican culture and traditions alive for new generations
DUF 2023 (age 8, int) – Folklorico Juniors: Campeche, Hidalgo & Zacatecas
Repertorio: Huapango de Hidalgo aprendido del Profesor Mancilla, Jerez Zacatecas aprendiendo del Profe. Rigoberto Martinez, Campeche Palmar aprendido de la Maestra Paola Aviles.
DUF 2023 will take place on March 31, April 1 & 2 in Fresno, CA.
Regular Registration ends on December 27, 2022
#DanzantesUnidos #DUF2023 #BailarEsVivir
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