Danzantes Unidos Festival DUF 2023 “BAILAR ES VIVIR” will take place on March 31, April 1 & 2 in Fresno, CA and honors the ongoing work of folklorico artists sharing culture and traditions across the United States and in Mexico. Registration is OPEN at www.danzantes.org . Early Registration ends Tuesday, December 27, 2022.
Maestro Francisco Emmanuel Ortiz Bejar originario de Apatzingán Michoacán comenzó iniciando danza folclórica alrededor de los tres años de edad. Su inspiración por bailar y su pasión por el folclor deriva de la hereditaria por parte de sus abuelos, que fueron músicos y bailarines en los años 1920 y también de sus padres que iniciaron danza folclórica en el año 1965. Ortiz Bejar está muy orgulloso de que su padre fue uno de los participantes en baile folclórico en las olimpiadas en México en el año 1968. Alrededor de sus catorce años comenzó bailando profesionalmente en el ballet folclórico IREKANI de Apatzingán Michoacán, donde continuo recorriendo varios lugares del estado de Michoacán. También participo por varios años en diplomados de danza folclórica, a nivel Municipal, Regional, Estatal y Nacional. Esto lo llevó a ser un asesor de un diplomado en danza para maestros, director de un grupo infantil folclórico que consiste en estudiantes de 5 a 12 años de edad, y maestro con licenciatura en Educación Inicial. Su experiencia con escuelas de diferentes niveles, educación inicial, preescolar, primaria,
secundaria, preparatoria, universidades y maestros en general lo ha preparado para ser Maestro de primaria en la escuela CENDI Martha Catalina Garcia Olivares localizado en León, Guanajuato.
En el 2017, Maestro Ortiz Bejar ayudo conformar un grupo de danza llamado “TRADICIÓN APATZINGÁN.” Su participación de esta directiva colocándose como (subdirector), y bailarín ha sido algo muy motivacional para él. Con énfasis al estado de Michoacán y el baile de “Tierra Caliente Apatzingán,” y enseñadas de varias regiones de folclor durante su participaron en su grupo lo inspiro a crear y fortalecer el baile dentro de las costumbres y tradiciones. Su experiencia y dedicación a su grupo de folclor le ayudo a continuar a enseñar, investigar y realizar que la forma hermosa del folclor en nuestras comunidades circunstanciales es muy importante conservar y compartir.
Francisco Emmanuel Ortiz Bejar, originally from Apatzingán Michoacán, began learning folkórico dance at the age of three. His inspiration for dancing and his passion for folkórico derives from the inheritance on the part of his grandparents, who were musicians and dancers in the 1920s, and also from his parents who began folkórico dance in 1965. Ortiz Bejar is very proud that his father was one of the participants in folkórico dance at the Olympics in Mexico in 1968. Around the age of fourteen, he began dancing professionally in Ballet Folkórico IREKANI of Apatzingán Michoacán, where he continued to travel to various towns in the state of Michoacán. He also participated for several years in folkórico dance certification programs where he has earned diplomas, at the Municipal, Regional, State, and National levels. This led him to be an advisor to folkórico dance certification programs for teachers, director of a childrens folk group that consists of students ages 5 to 12 years of age, and a grade school teacher earning a degree in Early Childhood Education. His experience with different grade levels such as preschool, primary, secondary, preparatory, universities, and teachers, in general, has prepared him to be a grade school teacher at the CENDI Martha
Catalina Garcia Olivares school located in León, Guanajuato.
In 2017, Maestro Ortiz Bejar helped form a folkórico dance group called “TRADICIÓN APATZINGÁN”. His participation on the board of directors led him to become the deputy director, and resident dancer, which has been very motivational for him. With emphasis on the state of Michoacán and the dances of “Tierra Caliente Apatzingán,” and by continuing to teach folkórico regions during his participation in his group, has inspired him to create and strengthen the dances within the customs and traditions. His experience and dedication to his folkórico group have allowed him to continue to teach, research, and realize that the beautiful form of folklore in our surrounding communities is very important to preserve and share.
DUF 2023 (age 9) – Folklorico Juniors: Jalisco, Michoacan & Veracruz
Repertorio: Jalisco, Michoacan, Veracruz
Este curso tendrá una secuencia de pasos y movimientos sistemáticos de Jalisco,
Michoacán (Tierra Caliente) y Veracruz Sotavento.
DUF 2023 will take place on March 31, April 1 & 2 in Fresno, CA.
Regular Registration ends on December 27, 2022
#DanzantesUnidos #DUF2023 #BailarEsVivir
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