UFS 2016 Presenter Dr. Olga Najera-Ramirez
University Folklorico Summit UFS 2016: Leaders Today to Create Legacies Tomorrow
UFS 2016 will take place at San Jose State University on February 19-21 and is being hosted by Grupo Folklorico Luna y Sol de San Jose State. The organizing committee is proud to announce the participation of Dr. Olga Nájera-Ramírez as the workshop presenter on “Channeling Your Folklórico Interest into a Career”. Learn how you can carry folkloric traditions forward into your professional career.
Olga Nájera-Ramírez, Professor of Anthropology at the University of California, Santa Cruz, received her B.A. at UC Santa Cruz, her M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Texas in Austin. As an anthropologist specializing in folklore, she has concentrated on documenting and critically examining expressive culture forms such as festivals, dance, rodeo and music as practiced by Mexicans living in the United States and Mexico. In particular, she examines the ways in which expressive forms are invested with meaning, transmitted, experienced, and otherwise employed by members and non-members of a community. She has published numerous articles and is author of La Fiesta de los Tastoanes: Critical Perspectives in a Mexican Festival Performance (1997). She produced the award-winning video, La Charreada: Rodeo a la Mexicana (1997) and Danza Folklórica Escénica: El Sello Artístico de Rafael Zamarripa (2010), a bilingual documentary that traces the transnational development of Mexican folklórico dance through the experiences and artistic productions of the internationally acclaimed choreographer Rafael Zamarripa titled. She is co-editor of several anthologies, including Chicana Traditions: Continuity and Change, (2002), and Chicana Feminisms: A Critical Reader (2003) and Dancing Across Borders: Danzas y Bailes Mexicanos (2009).
Registration for UFS 2016 is open to all leaders of high-school, college and university folklorico groups throughout the nation.
Online Registration: click here.
The University Folklorico Summit (UFS), an initiative of Danzantes Unidos, is a three-day leadership and cultural arts conference designed for collegiate folklorico groups. UFS provides a forum for university folklorico group leaders to meet, share their best practices, and strategize for their communities.
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