Maestro Spotlight: Francisco Salinas
Born in the Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico, Maestro Salinas Morales was part of all the dance groups at the institutions he attended. After finishing high school, he became part of the Instituto de la Danza Mexicana in Acapulco, Guerrero. There, he became an investigator in the field of Folklorico for nine years until he finished his Bachelor’s in Danza Regional Mexicana, Regional Mexican Dance. To strengthen his passion, he then studied to obtain a Bachelor’s in primary education.
As a dancer and instructor, he is able to transmit all that he has learned during his career. He currently lives in Santa Ana, CA. In the Coalicion de Folkloristas Unidos in Los Angeles, CA. Maestro Salinas helps with the organization and development of the project. Mr. Salinas is the Director of the Ballet Folklorico Raices de Mexico Orange County, Instructor of Ballet Folklorico Revolucion and Master holder Girls Scout Troop 1918. He also spreads his knowledge in various dance academies and workshops teaching Folklorico techniques and group repertoire.
At DUF 2017
5th Grade: Chiapas, Guerrero, Tabasco (beg/int)
Profesor Francisco Salinas enseñará : Llora Mi Soprano con Palomo de la Región Costa Chica del Edo. de Guerrero; El Rascapetate del Edo. de Chiapas y El Tigre del Edo. de Tabasco. Aprenderás un valioso repertorio y mejorarás tus habilidades para bailar.
DUF 2017 “Alma Indigena” will take place on April 7, 8 & 9 in Fresno, CA.
$ave on registration fees by enrolling early!
Early Registration now through 12/20/16
Regular Registration 12/21/16 through 2/8/17
Late Registration 2/9/17 through 3/30/17
ballet folklorico, Danzantes Unidos Festival, Danzantes Unidos Festival 2017, DUF 2017, DUF Maestros, folklorico blog, mexican folk dance
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