New Class at DUF 2016: Folklorico Media Workshop - Danzantes Unidos®
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New Class at DUF 2016: Folklorico Media Workshop

Things That You Won’t Want To Miss At DUF 2016:  #5

It is our story, our history, that gives meaning to our art and ignites our passion to continue its practice.

Folklorico Media Workshop is a new initiative by Danzantes Unidos meant to encourage participants to take full advantage of technology and various media platforms to promote their passion for dance, tell their stories and share their art. Directors of registered groups will recommend one person to represent their company in this free offering.

The class to be taught by Antonio Sarabia at Danzantes Unidos Festival 2016 is a general overview of the creative principles used to produce effective multimedia and marketing materials. Topics include basic design principles, developing a strong Folklorico group identity, video storytelling, creating a social media presence and taking advantage of technology to produce impactful media on a tight budget.

The class will have two parts: Saturday’s session will focus on the theory and an overview of best practices. Sunday’s session will be the practical application of these principles where students will get to apply what they learned to either document the Danzantes Festival itself, or work on a specific project for their own group.

UPDATE 3/13/16  Antonio Sarabia will offer a Bonus Power Version of this class on Friday, March 18, from 11am to 2pm as part of the three, free bonus classes for Directors of Registered Groups.  You will need to RSVP for this exciting FREE bonus for Directors of Registered Groups. Not sure if you qualify? Go to our website and click on upper right hand corner ‘my dancers’. You have one spot for every six persons YOU enrolled in classes. Please send your full name, group name, and cell number to with subject header, “FRIDAY Folklorico Media Class”.

No prior technical knowledge is required, but an open mind and willingness to take on a challenge is a must. Laptops and some type of video recording device are recommended. Helpful tools if you have have access to them: Adobe Photoshop. iMac with iMovie. DSLR camera. Not required, but we will be talking about these resources.

Class size is limited to twenty-five persons and individuals must be nominated by their group director by email after their group has successfully registered a minimum of six dancers in workshops. Directors, please send your nominees full name, group name & cell number to with subject header “Folklorico Media”. Deadline to apply is Friday, March 17 at 5:00pm.

About the Maestro

Chicano EducatorAntonio Sarabia is a graphic design artist, photographer and writer based out of Sacramento, California.

Antonio was the designer of the 2015 Danzantes Unidos Festival logo. He has been a part of the Folklorico community, serving as a dancer and artistic contributor to Folklorico groups in Sacramento, including Raices De Mi Tierra from 2002 to 2011 and Rincones De Mi Tierra from 2013 to the present.

With over 15 years of experience in freelance, Antonio specializes in digital graphic art and photography. He has worked extensively in video, audio production, serigraphy, and web design.

Antonio holds a Designated Services SCOE Credential in Commercial Art, Media & Entertainment as well as a Bachelor’s degree in English, graduating Summa Cum Laude in 2004 from California State University Sacramento. He continued studying Literature at CSUS and completed a Master’s degree in May of 2007.

In addition to his design and creative work, Antonio is the C.T.E. Visual Communications, Computer Graphics and Multimedia instructor at Sacramento Charter High School, where he has shared his passion for art and technology with countless high school students since the fall of 2004. He also serves a the director of the Sac High Multimedia Lab and The Sac High Annex Recording Studio.

He was born in Mexico City and migrated to California with his family in 1993.

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